Title of the document Congratulation! The Result Has Been Declared

Centre of Electrical Engineering Excellence 

CEEE is an emerging & innovative organization of electrical engineering that promotes the development, knowledge and ongoing research in the field of engineering. It is a forum which covers a wide variety of knowledge, specific field interests at technical levels, exchange knowledge among individuals of electrical engineering, share practical applications ideas, and generate solutions










Related Products

CEEE offers journals and books at national and international levels. It provide a platform to enhance your research and reviews to light.

STM Journals

STM Journals (An imprint of Consortium e-learning Network Pvt. Ltd.) publishes over 100+ journals on behalf of Researchers around the world in the areas of science, technology and medical

Journals Pub

Journals Pub is a research network, which is focused on a well-defined Journals with obvious and high impact at the international level under one umbrella. It requires the participation of renowned authors and editors.

 Training programs and Live Lecture

Online Training programs are conducting on various field of electrical engineering. Collaborators are welcome.

Conferences And Webinars

CEEE provides the platform for organizing conferences and webinars.

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